International Workshop: Narrator's Voice and Society
Approaches to the intersectionality of gender, social category and ethnicity in ancient texts
- International Workshop: Narrator's Voice and Society
- 2023-03-24T09:00:00+01:00
- 2023-03-24T19:00:00+01:00
- Approaches to the intersectionality of gender, social category and ethnicity in ancient texts
- Wann 24.03.2023 von 09:00 bis 19:00
- Wo Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Room 3071
- Name des Kontakts PD Dr. Darja Šterbenc Erker
The aim of the workshop is to explore how a recent approach from social sciences can be adapted to the study of Greek and Latin literature. Notably, the participants of the workshop will discuss how to use an intersectional approach that considers gender, age, race and class in reading Greek and Roman perspectives on customs, actions and beliefs in literary texts.
An important question is which literary devices authors adopt to defend or question the norms and values attached to figures of a certain social class and gender they depict. How does gender of narrators or figures in text influence the way they are speaking?
Also, the workshop will focus on how authors present people coming from abroad, for instance by emphasising which kind of manners, practices and beliefs are typical for foreigners. When are foreigners depicted in a positive way, and which foreign habits ancient narrators present as transgressive of their own norm?
9.00-9.10: Darja Šterbenc Erker: Introduction
9.10-9.50: Martin Dinter (King’s College London): A woman's place - laying down the law with Cato the Elder
9.50-10.25: Cynthia Bruhn (Humboldt University Berlin): Becoming visible through hiketeia: How women in Herodotus’ Histories gain scope of action through the supplication ritual
10.25-11.05: Elena Giusti (University of Warwick): Rac(ializ)ing Dido
11.30-12.10: Anke Walter (Newcastle University): Knowledge, class, and the calendar in Ovid’s Fasti
12.10-12.50: Laurenz Enzlberger (University of Vienna): ‘Tragedy by proxy’: gender and genre in Ovid’s Io-narrative (Met. 1.588–747)
14.00-14.40: Antonia Aluko (University College London): The Roman witch: the intersectionality of magic use, ethnicity, and gender in Ovid's Circe (Met. 14.1-434)
14.40-15.20: Bettina Reitz-Joosse (University of Groningen): Literary representations of manufacture as social acts of elision in imperial Rome
15.50-16.30: Darja Šterbenc Erker (Humboldt University Berlin): Devalorisation of Augustus as prone to superstition and worshipping “foreign” gods
16.30-17.10: Lindsay G. Driediger-Murphy (University of Calgary, Canada): Intersectionality and aniconism: The case of Elagabalus
17.10-17.50: Maijastina Kahlos (University of Lisbon): The barbaric superbia and the Roman nobleness – Alaric and Stilicho in Claudian’s De bello Getico and Panegyricus de Sexto Consulatu Honorii Augusti
18.00-18.45: Final Discussion
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