Zusammenfassungen der Vorträge
'From words in stone to measurement acts: the Athenian coinage decree'
Serafina Cuomo, Birkbeck College, London
Procedural Knowledge in the Galenic Corpus
Todd Curtis (Austin)
Rezeption, Adaption, Transformation der Geographie des Ptolemaios
Klaus Geus (FUB)
Living according to the seasons – the power of parapegmata
Gerd Graßhoff
The Task of Teaching “Animal Awareness” in a World of Sympathy and Antipathy
Brooke Holmes (Princeton University)
„[…] & operi verba sint conformia & opus verbis.“ Der antike Text und die Frage seiner Umsetzbarkeit am Beispiel Giovanni Giocondos Descriptio pontis in Rheno (1513).
Ronny Kaiser, SFB 644 Transformationen der Antike, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Facing Black Death. Knowledge and practice in the consilia against the plague.
Teodoro Katinis
Animal Descriptions to Acts. The Case of Exotic and Paradoxical Animals in the Naturales Historiae.
Pietro Li Causi
From Words to Acts and Vice Versa: On the Applicability of Hippocratic Therapy and on How the Hippocratics systematized Medical Knowledge
Pilar Pérez Cañizares
Si qui voluerit: l’architettura come «arte del possibile»
Elisa Romano (Pavia)
Naso magister erat – sed cui bono? On not taking the poet’s teaching seriously
Alison Sharrock, University of Manchester
From ugly words to beautiful bodies: cosmetics in ancient and medieval medical texts
Laurence Totelin – Cardiff University