Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

Workshop: "A Fragmented Puzzle"

The research programme “Medicine of the Mind, Philosophy of the Body - Discourses of Health in the Ancient World” invites you to the international workshop “A Fragmented Puzzle: Problems and Methodologies in the Collection and Interpretation of Ancient Medical and Philosophical Fragments”. Please click here for the full programme.

The workshop will take place on Thursday and Friday, the 4th and 5th of April, 2013 at the Institut für Klassische Philologie at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Friedrichstr. 191-193, Room 4026.

The talks and discussions will be based on pre-circulated material.


Among the topics and questions to be addressed are:

  1. The role of the source-author and how he affects the contents of the fragment.
  2. How much of the fragment’s context should be printed?
  3. The distinction between testimonies and fragments.
  4. Dealing with “Hidden fragments”.
  5. Difficulties posed by anachronistic terminology.


Registration is necessary.

The material will be circulated by the 20th of March.

For further inquiries and in order to register, please contact the organizer, Orly Lewis (