Prof. Dr. Matteo Martelli
Contact details:
Università die Bologna
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione
Via Zamboni 38
40126 Bologna
Publications in connection with the project "Medicine of mind"
Authored Books
- L’alchimista antico. Dall’Egitto Greco-Romano a Bisanzio. Editrice Bibliografia, 2019, 184 pp.
- The Four Books of Pseudo-Democritus, Wakefield: Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (Ambix Supplement: Sources of Alchemy and Chemistry), 2014, viii + 306 pp.
- Pseudo-Democrito, Scritti alchemici, con il commentario di Sinesio. Edizione critica del testo greco, traduzione e commento, Paris-Milano: S.É.H.A.-Archè (Textes et Travaux de Chrysopoeia 12), 2011, xvi + 523 pp.
Volumes edited
- Collecting Recipes: Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue, edited by Lennart Lehmhaus and Matteo Martelli, Berlin: De Gruyter (Science, Technology and Medicine in Ancient Civilizations), 2017, vii + 334 pp. [Martelli’s contribution: Co-organisation of the conference, co-editing of the volume, co-authoring the introduction (pp. 1–28), authoring one chapter: ‘Recipes ascribed to the Prophet Ezra in the Byzantine and Syriac tradition’ (pp. 195–220)].
- Syriac medicine, ed. Matteo Martelli, Special issue of the journal Aramaic Studies (Brill, Leiden), 2017, pp. 125–276 [Martelli’s contribution: Co-organising the conference, authoring the introduction (pp. 125–131) and the article ‘Hippocrates in two Syriac alchemical collections’ (pp. 230–251)].
- ‘Zosime l’alchimiste’, in: R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VII, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2018, pp. 447–450.
- ‘Byzantine alchemy in two recently discovered manuscripts in Saint Stephen’s (Meteora) and Olympiotissa (Elassona) monasteries’, in E. Nicolaidis (ed.), Proceedings of the DACALBO Conference Greek Alchemy: from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, Turnhout: Brepols, 2018, pp. 11–42.
- Entry for R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VII, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2017: ‘Zosime l’alchimiste’
- Two entries for R. Goulet (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VI, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2016: (1) ‘Synesius l’alchimiste’ (pp. 676–678); (2) ‘Stéphanos alchimiste et astrologue’ (pp. 557–565)
- ‘Healing tombs and remains of ancient physicians and natural philosophers in the Greek and Arabic tradition’, in: M. Beretta (ed.), Savant Relics, Sagamore Beach: Watson Publishing, 2016, pp. 43–66.
- ‘Stone by stone: building the Graeco-Arabic edition of Galen’s On Simple Drugs, Book IX’ (with Lucia Raggetti), COMS Bulletin 2, 2016, pp. 48–58.
- ‘Properties and classification of mercury between natural philosophy, medicine, and alchemy’ in: A.I.O.N. 36, 2014 (published in 2016), pp. 17–47.
- ‘Graeco-Egyptian and Byzantine alchemy’, in: G.L. Irby (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Science, Medicine, Technology, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, pp. 217–231.
- Two entries for M. Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Springer: online edition, 2015-2016): ‘Alchemy’ and ‘Chemistry’
- ‘L’assimilazione al dio attraverso le technai. Note sulla raffigurazione degli ‘scienziati’ antichi in età ellenistica ed imperiale’, in: M. Beretta, F. Citti, A. Iannucci (ed.), Il culto di Epicuro. Testi, iconografia e paesaggio, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2015, pp. 15–38
- ‘The alchemical art of dyeing: the fourfold division of alchemy and the Enochian tradition’, in: S. Dupré (ed.), Laboratories of Art, New York: Springer, 2014, pp. 1–22.
- ‘Alchemical textiles: Colorful garments, recipes and dyeing procedures in Graeco-Roman Egypt’, in: M. Harlow, M.-L. Nosch (eds), Greek and Roman Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology (Ancient Textiles Series X), Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2014, pp. 111–129.
- ‘Dissoluzioni, distillazioni e passaggi di stato nel Corpus degli alchimisti greci’, in: F. Citti, L. Pasetti, D. Pellacani, Metamorfosi tra scienza e letteratura, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2014, pp. 81–99.
- ‘L’alchimie en syriaque et l’œuvre de Zosime’, in: É. Villey (ed.), Les sciences en Syriaque, Paris: Geuthner (Études syriaques 11), 2014, pp. 191–214.
- with Maddalena Rumor, ‘Near Eastern origins of Graeco-Egyptian alchemy’, in: M. Geller, K. Geus (eds.), Esoteric Knowledge in Antiquity, Berlin: MPIWG preprint, 2014, pp. 37–62
- ‘Per una nuova edizione commentata di un lessico alchemico bizantino’ (co-authored with Stefano Valente), Eikasmos 24, 2013, pp. 275–296
- ‘Galeno grammatico sui nomi stranieri ed il digamma: un passo inedito dal IX libro sui medicamenti semplici’, in AION (filol.) 24, 2012 [2014], pp. 131–146
- ‘La tradizione artigianale e l’influenza orientale: lo Pseudo-Democrito alchimista’, in F. Franco Repellini, G. Micheli (ed.), Atti del seminario sulla scienza antica e la sua tradizione, Gargnano maggio 2008, Cisalpino: Milano (Quaderni di ACME), 2011, pp. 175–212.
- ‘Greek alchemists at work: The alchemical laboratory in Greco-Roman Egypt’, Nuncius 26, 2011, pp. 271–311.
- ‘Una storia dell’alchimia nei testi alchemici greci: il cosiddetto Filosofo Anonimo (CAAG, vol. II, pp. 424, l. 6 – 425, l. 9)’, in C. Pogliano, M. Frank (eds.), Scorci di Storia della Scienza, Pisa: Edizioni Universitarie Plus, 2010, pp. 37–54.
In preparation
- Galen: On Simple Drugs, Book IX. Greek and Syriac.