Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

Dr. Giouli Korobili



Publications within the project "Medicine of the mind"

  • Aristotle on Youth and Old Age, Life and Death, and Respirations, Cham, Switzerland: Springer 2022.
  • The Nutritive Soul in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Medicine, ed. Giouli Korobili and Roberto Lo Presti, Berlin: De Gruyter (Topics in Ancient Philosophy, 9), 2021, xxii + 418 pp.  [Korobili’s contribution: Co-organization of the conference, co-editing the volume, co-authoring the Introduction (pp. ix–xxii) and authoring the chapter: ‘Aristotle on the role of heat in plant life’ (pp. 153–172)]
  • ‘Plato’s Charmides on philosophy as holistic medical practice’, in: C. Thumiger, (ed.) Holism in Ancient Medicine and its Reception, Leiden 2020, pp. 201–219
  • The Soul is an Octopus. Ancient Ideas of Life and the Body, ed. Uta Kornmeier, with contributions by Sean Coughlin, Philip van der Eijk, Ricardo Juliao, Uta Kornmeier, Giouli Korobili, Orly Lewis, Thomas Schalke, Chiara Thumiger, and illustrations by Christoph Geiger. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 2016, 135 pp.
  • Die Seele ist ein Oktopus. Antike Vorstellungen vom belebten Körper, ed. Uta Kornmeier, mit Beiträgen von Sean Coughlin, Philip van der Eijk, Ricardo Juliao, Uta Kornmeier, Giouli Korobili, Orly Lewis, Thomas Schalke, Chiara Thumiger, und Abbildungen von Christoph Geiger. Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité, 2017, 140 pp. (German version of previous title).