Ricarda Gäbel (born in 1989) studied Classics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin from 2008–2013. She attained her Bachelor of Arts in 2011 writing a thesis entitled “Soul, Pneuma and Phrenitis – Ancient Theories on the cavities of the brain” and her Master of Education in 2013 with a thesis on Aetius of Amida. In October 2013 she started her dissertation project under the supervision of Professor Philip van der Eijk, and was funded by the Graduate Program in Ancient Philosophy until September 2017. From October 2017 until July 2020 she worked as research fellow at the Institut für Klassische Philologie at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and was part of the SFB 980 “Episteme in Bewegung” within the project “The Transfer of Medical Episteme in the ‘Encyclopaedic’ Compilations of Late Antiquity”. In 2018, she finished her PhD on Aetius of Amida.
Publications within the project "Medicine of the mind"
Aetius of Amida on Diseases of the Brain: Translation and Commentary of Libri medicinales 6.1–10 with Introduction, Berlin/Boston (De Gruyter), 2022.
The Unknown Physician: Prolegomena to a collection of the fragments of Posidonius. Galenos 14/2020 [a cura di I. Garofalo and L. Perilli]. p. 39-52.
Galen oder nicht Galen, das ist hier (nicht) die Frage! Ausschluss, Ablehnung und Annahme von Wissen in den medizinischen Enzyklopädien der Spätantike. In: Ş. Dadaş, Christian Vogel (Hg.). Dynamiken der Negation. (Nicht)Wissen und negativer Transfer in vormodernen Kulturen. Episteme in Bewegung. Beiträge zur einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte, Bd. 20. Wiesbaden 2021. S. 331-351.
Galen oder nicht Galen, das ist hier die Frage! Ausschluss, Ablehnung und Annahme von Wissen in den medizinischen Enzyklopädien der Spätantike oder „Negativer Transfer" at its best, Working Paper No. 23/2019 des SFB 980 Episteme in Bewegung, Freie Universität Berlin, ISSN 2199 –2878 http://www.sfb-episteme.de/Listen_Read_Watch/Working-Papers/No_23_Gaebel_Galen/index.html
Mental Illnesses in the Medical Compilations of Late Antiquity: The Case of Aetius of Amida. In: C. Thumiger und P. N. Singer (Eds.). Mental Illness in Ancient Medicine. From Celsus to Paul of Aegina. Leiden (Brill): 2018. p. 315–340.