Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Klassische Philologie, HU Berlin

Dr. Giulia Maria Chesi

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Fachgebiet Gräzistik


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Klassische Philologie
Raum 3058
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
Tel.: (+49-30) 2093-70412
Fax: (+49-30) 2093-70436


Akademische Mitgliedschaften

  • Mitglied am Centro Studi Giorgio Colli, Università di Torino.
  • Zweitmitglied am ZtG.
  • Stimmberechtigtes Mitglied an der Geschäftsführenden Kommision (GfK) des Promotionsprogrammes "Ancient Languages and Texts" der BerGSAS.
  • Mitglied an der HU-Kommision für Studium und Lehre (KSL).



Wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Kooperationen

  • Forscherin am Internationalen und Transdiziplinären Forschungsprojekt "Technosomata" zwischen der University of Exeter (Centre for Knowledge in Culture in Antiquity and Beyond; Centre for Mecial History) und der HU (Institut für Klassische Philologie; ZtG). Die Kooperation läuft von September 2019 bis September 2021.
  • Teil des Kunstprojekts "She can cook a potato in her hand, and make it taste like chocolate" von Jasmine Reimer, in Zusammenarbeit mit u.a. Sofia Varino (ZtG), Francesco Giusti (Bard College Berlin), Marianna Simnett. Die kommende Ausstellung findet im Mai 2021 statt: Flyer.




  • The play of words. Blood ties and power relations in Aeschylus’ Oresteia, Berlin 2014: De Gruyter, Trends in Classics 26.
Edited Volumes
  • Classical Literature and Posthumanism, London 2020: Bloomsbury (mit Francesca Spiegel). Paperback Edition: 2021.
  • Technosomata. Body technologies in the Greco-Roman world, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press (with Maria Gerolemou), forthcoming 2023.
  • ‘Alcune considerazioni sul trattato attribuito a Metrodora: le ricette cosmetiche’, EuGeSta 12 (2022), 41–56 (with Irene Calà).
  • ‘Hexametric poetesses ante Homerum: The oracular and female origins of the Greek hexamter’, Greek and Roman Musical Studies 9 (2021), 223–240.
  • ‘The Homeric Trojan horse and the paradox of technology’, Eranos 111 (2020), 1-11.
  • ‘Reversibilita oracolare e bios. Alcune riflessioni su “Il filologo” in Apollineo e Dionisiaco’, Quaderni Colliani 2 (2020), 1-11.
  • ‘Humanimality and hyper-determination in Sophocles’ Oedipus plays’, Skene 5 (2019), 5-22.
  • ‘Monopolio tecnologico, fato ed empatia tragica nel Prometeo incatenato’, Seminari Romani 26 (2019), 31-48.
  • ‘Polifemo e Filottete: mostruosita’ e selvatichezza in Omero e Sofocle’, Commentaria Classica 5 (2018), 9-28.
  • ‘Intertextuality and poetic voice in Theocritus’ Idyll 3’, Mnemosyne 71 (2018), 489-496.
  • ‘A few notes on τοῦτο and τὸ τοιοῦτον in Plato, Tim. 49d4–e7’, Hyperboreus 22 (2016), 127-138.
  • ‘The bond of consanguinity between mother and daughter: Agamemnon 1417-1418, 1525’, GRBS 54 (2014), 342-351.
  • ‘Antigone’s language of death and politics in the Antigone of Sophocles’, Philologus 157 (2013), 223-236.
  • ‘A few notes on nosos and language in Sophocles’ Philoctetes’, Logeion 2 (2012), 304-310.
  • ‘Reading Aeschylean images: matricide and the blood in maternal milk in Clytemnestra’s dream’, Logeion 1 (2011), 31-40.
Book chapters, Reviews and Entries in Encyclopediae
  • ‘Hecuba's ghosts’, in A.C. Corradino & A. Grilli (eds.), The monstrous mother: images of unexpected evil, Palgrave (forthcoming)
  • ‘Horror in the Odyssey’: A Few Notes on Leodes' Beheading (22.326-329), in C. Thumiger & G. Kasantzidis (eds.), Medical Knowledge and its ‘Sitz im Leben’: Body & Horror in Antiquity, Bloomsbury (forthcoming)
  • ‘The Homeric Trojan horse: an intelligent device’, in A. Domouzi and S. Baer (eds.), Ancient epic and artifical intelligence, London & New York: Bloomsbury (forthcoming)
  • ‘Queering divine authority and logical consistency in Aeschylus' Oresteia’, in E. Haselswerdt, K. Ormand and S. Lindheim (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of classics and Queer Theory, Abingdon 2024: Routledge, 82-91.
  • ‘Body beautification and Blackness in Herodotus’ Ethiopian logos’, in G.M. Chesi & M. Gerolemou (eds.), Body technologies in the Greco-Roman world. Techno bodies, sex and gender, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 129-144.
  • Short introductions: Part I In search for a definition: What is an (ancient) technosoma?; Part II Prosthetic beauty; Part III Hybrid pleasures, in G.M. Chesi & M. Gerolemou (eds.), Body technologies in the Greco-Roman world. Techno bodies, sex and gender, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 13-17, 107-110, 219-220.
  • ‘Classical Posthumanism’, in S. Herbrechter et al. (eds), Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism, London 2022, 55–74.
  • ‘Fe/male rhetoric of violence against the woman's body in Aeschylus' Supplices’, in C. Encinas Rehuero (ed.), Tragic Rhetoric. The Rhetorical Dimensions of Greek Tragedy, Roma 2021: Aracne Editori, Le Rane 69, 43–72.
  • ‘Monopolio tecnologico, fato ed empatia tragica nel Prometeo incatenato’, in M. Napolitano & M. Giordano (eds.), La città, la parola, la scena: nuovi contributi su Eschilo, SemRom, Quaderni 26 (2020), 31–48.
  • ‘Pandora and robotic technology today’, in G.M. Chesi and F. Spiegel (eds.), Classical literature and Posthumanism, London 2020: Bloomsbury, 301–308 (with Giacomo Sclavi).
  • ‘Theoretical introduction. The subject of the human’, in G. M. Chesi and F. Spiegel (eds.), Classical literature and Posthumanism, London 2020: Bloomsbury, 1–19 (with Francesca Spiegel).
  • ‘Odysseus’ polutropia and the Dialektik der Aufklärung: Odysseus between Enlightenment and semiotics’, in J. Nagyillés, A. Hajdú,(eds.), Sapiens ubique civis. (Szeged, Hungary, 2013), Budapest 2015, 1-10.
  • Rachel Bespaloff, Enciclopedia delle donne,
  • Femonoe, Enciclopedia delle donne
  • Tua Korhonen & Erika Ruonakoski, Human and Animal in ancient Greece. Empathy and Encounter in Classical Literature, London and New York 2017, BMCR 2018.01.39
  • Clauss, James J.; Cuypers, Martine; Kahane, Ahuvia (Hrsg.): The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry. From the Archaic Age to Late Antiquity and Beyond Stuttgart 2016. In H-Soz-u-Kult, 25. 09. 2017,
  • Tua Korhonen, Erika Ruonakoski, Human and Animal in Ancient Greece: Empathy and Encounter in Classical Literature. Library of classical studies 15. London: 2017, (forthcoming in Poiesis. Bibliografia della poesia greca antica e bizantina).
  • Scott A. Midson, Cyborg Theology. Humans, Technology and God.. I. B. Tauris: London and New York. 2018, JPHS 3 (2019), 93-97.
  • Euripides and the Divine. Review of Pietro Pucci, Euripides’ Revolution under Cover, Ithaca 2016: Cornell University Press, Logeion 9 (2019), 249–253.


In Preparation / in review

  • Metrodora. Testo greco, introduzione critica e traduzione. Prefazione di Giulia Sissa, Toledo: Ediciones críticas, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (with Irene Calà).
  • Odysseus technologicus. Technology in the Odyssey and today.
Edited Volumes
  • Queering Agency and Emotionality in Sophocles' Antigone, QT Antiquities - Queer and Trans Antiquities, De Gruyter (with Marta Lietti)
Book chapters
  • ‘Retaggi ippocratici nell'opera di Metrodora’, in Mathias Witt (ed.), Papers Presented at the XVIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Munich, October 2021.
  • ‘The public office of female priesthood: women's political and economical power in ancient Greece’, in G. Sissa (ed.), A Routledge Handbook of Classics and anthropological theory.