Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Department of Classics, HU Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities | Department of Classics | News | News | New Release: Lisa Cordes / Marco Formisano / Janja Soldo, Italo Calvino and Classics. Lightness - Quickness - Multiplicity, Leiden: Brill

New Release: Lisa Cordes / Marco Formisano / Janja Soldo, Italo Calvino and Classics. Lightness - Quickness - Multiplicity, Leiden: Brill

In his Memos for the Next Millennium, the Italian writer Italo Calvino identified five literary qualities that should accompany writers and readers into the literature of the future: lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, multiplicity. Though never finished, the Memos continue to inspire readers and scholars. This volume turns three of Calvino’s poetic qualities – lightness, quickness, multiplicity – into powerful hermeneutic strategies for reading ancient and late antique texts, ranging widely from Homer’s Iliad to Claudian’s carmina minora. It is the first book to read ancient literature through the lens of Calvino’s Memos, thus fostering a new discussion of the interactions between modern and ancient texts as well as between methodologies.


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