Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Klassische Philologie, HU Berlin

Laufende Dissertationen

Valeria Beggiato

The Role of Intentio in Augustine’s Account of Time

Betreuer: PD Dr. Roberto Lo Presti

My project explores the development of Augustine's psychological account of time, with a specific focus on the key concept of 'intentio’: a notion denoting the attention, will, or care of the soul directed toward an object. Through the analysis of the evolution of the concept of 'intentio' in three works - De immortalitate animaeDe musica and Confessiones XI - my research aims to provide new insights into the development over time of Augustine's epistemological and moral understanding of time and temporality.

Diese Dissertation wird gefördert durch ein Promotionsstipendium des Einstein Center Chronoi.

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Elena Bellini

Herophilus and Erasistratus between tradition and innovation: The case of respiration

Betreuer: Philip van der Eijk

My project wants to offer a fresh perspective over the historical meaning of the innovations brought
about by Herophilus of Chalcedon and Erasistratus of Ceos with a focus on one single process:
respiration. Never having been problematized the diversity emerging from their two accounts of
respiration, I believe it particularly fruitful to regard Herophilus’ and Erasistratus’ explanations of it as
paradigmatic of their epistemology, possibly shedding some light on the extent of the so‐called
“anatomical revolution”.

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Cynthia Bruhn

Konflikt und Krise: Zur Rolle religiöser Praktiken in der griechischen Historiographie

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Asper

Ziel des Dissertationsvorhabens ist es, die Rolle der Hikesie (dt. rituelles Schutzflehen) in der griechischen Historiographie der klassischen Zeit zu untersuchen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Funktionalisierung des Rituals durch Akteure in Konflikt- und Krisensituationen sowie der literarischen Darstellung durch die Autoren. Das Projekt wird durch ein Stipendium des Berliner Antike-Kollegs finanziert.

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Elisa Citano

Void in Aristotle’s Physics and the Greek Philosophical Tradition

Betreuer: PD Dr. Roberto Lo Presti

The purpose of my project is to write a thorough and exhaustive monograph on Aristotle’s treatment of void. I intend to examine in depth his rebuttal of void in Physics IV 6–9 and analyze why his theory was not considered successful by later commentators. Furthermore, as Aristotle systematizes his predecessors’ views in his scrutiny of void, I shall investigate the theories of void proposed by other ancient philosophers, particularly the Atomists and Pythagoreans.

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Merve Coban

Scaffoldingstrategien in einem sprachbildenden Lateinunterricht der Lehrbuchphase

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Kipf

Das von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung geförderte Promotionsprojekt entwickelt auf Grundlage empirischer Erkenntnisse aus qualitativer sowie quantitativer Befragungen an Schule Beteiligter fachspezifische Scaffoldingstrategien für die Lehrbuchphase, die einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu durchgängiger Sprachbildung sowie zu differenziertem Fachunterricht leisten sollen.

Constanza de Martino

Philumeni De venenatis animalibus eorumque remediis et fragmenta

Programm: RTG Philosophy, Science and the Sciences

Betreuer: PD Dr. Oliver Overwien

My project aims to offer a new critical edition with commentary of the iologic treatise transmitted under the name of the physician Philumenus (2nd/3rd century) and first and only published by Max Wellmann in 1908 with the title De venenatis animalibus eorumque remediis. The need for a new edition arises from the close study of the only manuscript transmitting the text of Philumenus: the codex Vaticanus graecus 284 (10th/11th century). This is in fact a late antique pharmacological compilation based on multiple sources. Therefore, what has hitherto been considered Philumenus is a synthesis between Philumenus and Ps.-Dioscorides' Theriaca. My new editorial criteria will thus be based on this new stemmatic relationship.

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Anna Demeter

Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. Lisa Cordes

Elisabetta Maria Gamba

Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. Lisa Cordes

Himmlischer und irdischer ordo. Zur Rolle von Astronomie in den Tragödien Senecas

Mein Dissertationsprojekt zielt darauf, die astronomiebezogenen Abschnitte der Tragödien
Senecas systematisch und vollständig zu analysieren: eine solche Untersuchung soll zeigen, wie astronomische Passagen in einem traditionell auf die Diskussion von ethischen Fragen fokussierten Genre eingebettet und mit der Kompetenz des Naturphilosophen behandelt werden.

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Marieke Fleck

Leid und Mitleid in Ovids Heroides: Epistolographische ‚Fanfiction‘ als emotional aufgeladene Kleinform

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmitzer

Das Projekt widmet sich den Heroides, einer literarischen Briefsammlung des antiken Dichters Ovid, auf literatur- und emotionswissenschaftlicher Ebene, wobei es sich mit den Affektdarstellungen von Leid und Mitleid auseinandersetzt und deren Wirkung auf Figuren und Lesende/Hörende untersucht. Dabei soll ein Bezug zwischen den antiken Kleinformen ‚Brief‘ und ‚Liebeselegie‘ sowie der modernen Gattung ‚Fanfiction‘ und der Emotionalität der Heroides hergestellt werden.

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Emiliano Paparazzo

Aristotle’s Concept of Fire

Betreuer: PD Dr. Roberto Lo Presti, Cotutelle mit der Universität Pisa

The goal of my research project is an organic reconstruction 1. of Aristotle’s concept of fire, 2. of its relation to hot and heat, from which the former cannot always be easily distinguished, 3. of its proper place in his physics as well as in his cosmology, meteorology, psychology, and biology. Through the analysis of the whole physical section of the Corpus Aristotelicum, different conceptions will be dealt with, e.g. fire as an element, as innate heat, as an exhalation, as process of combustion.

Elizaveta Shcherbakova

Towards the earliest history of pneuma

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Philip van der Eijk

In my project I intend to explore the early history of an important ancient psycho-physiological tradition that served as a framework for the emergence of such hugely influential concepts in Greek philosophy, medicine, and natural science as pneuma, innate heat, locus of cognition and others. This tradition has had a tremendous intellectual impact not just on ancient but, arguably, on Medieval, Renaissance and Early Modern thought; and spread its influence far beyond the West to Byzantium and the Syriac and Arabic Middle East.
I am particularly interested in the role the so-called ‘ Presocratics’ - especially, Heraclitus, Diogenes of Apollonia, Empedocles, Democritus, as well as other fifth-century thinkers – played in the formation and development of psycho-physiological doctrines of Greek physicians.
If Hellenistic and Imperial psychophysiology has received much scholarly attention, the same cannot be said about its earlier and earliest precursors. Overall, the current accounts of its beginnings and first steps are at best patchy and do not present a coherent picture. This lack of reliable historical foundation, in turn, skews the research on later and better-documented authors and doctrines – even such extensively studied ones as Aristotle, or the Hellenistic physiologists, like Diocles, Erasistratus or Herophilus; not to mention the so-called Pneumatic doctors of the Imperial period.
The aim of my project is, thus, firstly, to fill this gap and to explore how such concepts as pneuma (with all its varieties), innate heat, seat of the mind, etc. were first formed; how they interacted with each other; and how they initially functioned in various, sometimes very dissimilar, doctrinal contexts.

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Gregor Vetterlein

Galeni in Hippocratis aphorismorum librum III commentarium - eine kritische Edition und Übersetzung

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Philip van der Eijk

Most of the seven books of Galen's commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates are still available in an edition of the 19th century only: K. G. Kühn (Hrsg.), Claudii Galeni opera omnia (1821-1833). As neither the selection of manuscripts available to this physician and historian of medicine nor his translation into Latin meet most of the readers expectation nowadays, this doctoral project will analyse the manyfold tradition of manuscripts of the third book towards a critical edition and give a translation into German. It adds to the works by Dr. Giulia Ecca, Dr. Christina Savino and Maria Börno who finished or are in the process of editing books V, VI and VII.

Stefanie Zimmermann

Lateinunterricht an nichtgymnasialen Schulen in Berlin

Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Stefan Kipf