Workshop: The (Pseudo-)Galenic work Medical Definitions in its intellectual context
Location: Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin
Room: 2249a (main building)
Those wishing to take part are asked to contact Maria Börno (SFB 980 „Episteme in Bewegung“)
9.00 | Philip van der Eijk (Berlin): Welcome and introduction
9.15–10.15 | Michiel Meeusen (Leuven): The Imperial Sitz im Leben of Medical Definitions: a doctor-patient approach
10.15–11.15 | Matyáš Havrda (Prague): Def. med. and Clement’s Liber logicus: similarities and differences
11.45–12.45 | Sean Coughlin (Prague): Athenaeus on causes at Def. med. 167–170 (66,18–68,16 Kollesch)
14.30–16.30 | Teun Tieleman (Utrecht): The Stoic presence in Def. med.
Reading session focusing on definitions 1–8 (epistemological concepts, with 14, 122), 27 (psychè), 85 (sperma), 86 (physis), 87 (hexis), 119 (phône), 167–173 (causes), 498 (embryo)
17.00–18.30 | David Leith (Exeter): Asclepiades (and Empedocles) on reproduction in Def. med. 489–508 and Aëtius, Placita book 5 (with selective reading of the section on pp. 156–164 Kollesch)
9.00–10.30 | Annette Heinrich (Berlin): Def. med. on the classification of diseases (Reading session focusing on definitions 134–166)
11.00–12.00 | Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (Mainz): Die Passionum nomina, eine spätantike lateinische Sammlung von Krankheitsdefinitionen, oder: Cherchez la femme! Als Jäger und Sammler im Land der medizinischen Wörter
12.00–13.00 | Caroline Petit (Warwick) & Luigi Orlandi (Berlin): Def. med. as an ‘open text’
14.00–16.00 | Round table and concluding remarks