Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Department of Classics, HU Berlin

Funds for Women's Advancement at Institute for Classical Philology

Funds for Women’s Advancement

To ensure equal opportunities, the Institute for Classical Philology provides financial support for women's projects every year. All women working at the Institute have access to these funds: female students, doctoral candidates, academic staff, professors, administrative staff, and lecturers.
The Committee for the Allocation of Funds for Women’s Advancement considers and approves the grant applications. All areas of the Institute of Classical Philology are represented on the Committee:

  • N.N. (studentische Vertretung)
  • Anna Demeter (Mittelbau-Vertretung)
  • Prof. Dr. Lisa Cordes (Professoriumsvertretung)
  • Dr. Mayya Pait (MTSV-Vertretung)

What can funding be applied for?

In principle, the funds can be used for a wide range of projects and activities. For example, business trips (travel and accommodation costs), completion of final theses (for socially disadvantaged female students), courses in the field of gender equality, work materials and printing costs, costs for editing/translations, further training, language courses, etc. are eligible for funding.

How do I apply for funding?

Please send your application with a description of the project to Anna Demeter at As a rule, project funding of up to 400€ can be applied for. Higher applications can be considered proportionately or in full, depending on the availability of funds and the urgency of the project. Applications for 2025 can be submitted until 30 September 2025.

What happens after funding is approved?

Once your application is approved, please contact the member of the secretariat responsible for your subject area to clarify the administrative process. Receipts and invoices submitted without prior consultation may not be able to be considered.
Invoices issued as part of the funding request must be submitted by 30 November 2025 at the latest (i.e. the financial year administrative deadline), otherwise the invoices cannot be reimbursed. Due to the current situation, there may also be longer processing times for applications, so we urge you to adhere to the deadlines.

Women’s Representative at the Faculty of Language and Literature

Information on the role and tasks of the decentralised Women’s Representative of the Faculty of Language and Literature can be found at this link.