Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Department of Classics, HU Berlin

Pedagogy of Classical Languages at the Institute for Classical Philology

The Humboldt University is one of the few German universities whose Institute of Classics has a full professorship for pedagogy of teaching Classics. This is no coincidence, as there has been an ongoing tradition of professorships in the field of classics pedagogy in Berlin for over 50 years: Initially in the Latin department at the former Pädagogische Hoschschule Berlin (Berlin University of Education) with Klaus Geleng (since 1971) and Andreas Fritsch (since 1972), then after the integration of the PH into the Freie Universität (Klaus Geleng until 1987; Andreas Fritsch until 2006) as well as at the Humboldt-Universität with Friedrich Maier (1993-2000), Andreas Fritsch (2000-2006, as part of a co-operation between the FU and HU) and Stefan Kipf (since 2006). Since 2001, the two Berlin universities Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität have been cooperating in terms of content and personnel in the field of pedagogy of classics. The current chair holder at HU is responsible for ensuring the teaching programme at Freie Universität.

Classics pedagogy - a "science of application"

The pedagogy of classics deals with the teaching of Latin and ancient Greek in the entire school and education system in the past and present, in the German and international context. Its main task in research is to scientifically substantiate teaching, to better understand it and to improve it on the basis of the knowledge gained. The pedagogy of classics is therefore not solely application-orientated, but must first and foremost be understood as the "science of application". As specialised pedagogy is at the interface between academic research, schools and society, it is dependent on cooperation: With Latin and Greek studies as its academic reference disciplines, other subject didactics and subjects (e.g. foreign language education, German as a second language, history, archaeology), educational sciences, but also with schools, educational administrations and professional associations.

Studies and practice

In our classics pedagogy degree programme - incidentally the most comprehensive of all German universities - students are given a theoretical and practical introduction to their future professional field, not only by familiarising them with central didactic and methodological issues, but also by systematically learning the basics of lesson planning and analysis and putting them to the test in the practicum semester. In close cooperation with Berlin schools, we ensure close supervision during the practicum semester in order to continuously support and advise students during what is probably the most important part of their studies. Through regular coordination with the Berlin specialist seminars in the second phase of teacher training, we establish a connection to the content of the traineeship and facilitate a smooth transition into professional practice.

Further education and training

Finally, we are also involved in the third phase of teacher training, professional development, and familiarise active teachers with new developments in subject-specific didactic research.

Read more:

Stefan Kipf (2023): Fachdidaktik. In: Kipf, Stefan/Schauer, Markus (eds.) Fachlexikon zum Latein und Griechischunterricht. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 221-224.