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Prof. Dr. Philip van der Eijk
Authored books
- (2018a) Galen: Works on Human Nature, Volume One: Mixtures (De temperamentis) (co-authored with P. N. Singer), Cambridge: CUP, xvii + 269 pp.
- (2012a) Von der Natur des Menschen. Menschenbild und Naturwissenschaft im antiken und frühchristlichen Denken, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität (Öffentliche Vorlesungen), 28 pp.
- (2008a) Nemesius of Emesa. On the Nature of Man, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press (co-authored with R.W. Sharples), 273 pp.
- (2008b) Hersenen, lichaam en geest in het laat-antieke wijsgerige en medische denken, (Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Letterkunde, Deel 71, No. 4), Amsterdam: KNAW Press, 20 pp.
- (2007a) Körper, Seele, Geist. Ansichten über psychosomatische Wechselwirkung im griechischen philosophischen und medizinischen Denken, (Universität Trier, Reden an der Universität), Trier, 39 pp.
- (2006a) Philoponus. On Aristotle On the Soul 1.3–5, London: Duckworth (The Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), 218 pp.
- (2005a) Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity. Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease, Cambridge: CUP, 404 pp.
- (2005b) Philoponus. On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1–2, London: Duckworth (The Ancient Commentators on Aristotle), 221 pp.
- (2003a) Aristoteles over het geheugen, de slaap en de droom, Groningen: Historische Uitgeverij, 108 pp.
- (2001a) Diocles of Carystus. A Collection of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary. Vol. 2: Commentary. Leiden: Brill (Studies in Ancient Medicine 23), xlii + 489 pp.
- (2001b) Aristoteles. Over melancholie, Groningen: Historische Uitgeverij, 42 pp.
- (2000a) Diocles of Carystus. A Collection of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary. Vol. 1: Text and Translation. Leiden: Brill (Studies in Ancient Medicine 22), xxxiv + 497 pp.
- (1994a) Aristoteles. De insomniis. De divinatione per somnum, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, (Aristoteles. Werke in deutscher Übersetzung, Band 14/III), 396 pp.
Edited books and special journal issues
- (2021a) Was ist Gesundheit? Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven aus Medizin, Geschichte und Kultur, edited by Philip van der Eijk, Detlev Ganten, Roman Marek, Berlin: De Gruyter, 515 pp.
PJvdE’s contribution: Co-organisator of the conference, co-editor of the volume, co-author of the Introduction (pp. 1–11), author of the chapter ‘Gesundheit, Lebensstil und Verantwortung. Historische Wurzeln und gegenwärtige Perspektiven’ (pp. 30–42), co-author of ‘Gesundheit aus Sicht der Patientinnen und Patienten’ (pp. 467–469)
- (2017a), Knowledge, Text and Practice in Ancient Technical Writing, edited by Marco Formisano and Philip van der Eijk, Cambridge: CUP, xiii + 282 pp.
PJvdE’s contribution: Co-organisation of the conference, co-editing of the volume, co-authoring of the first chapter: ‘Introduction: From Words to Acts?’ (pp. 1–11)
- (2012b) Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen. Selected Papers, by Jacques Jouanna, translated by Neil Allies, edited with a Preface by Philip van der Eijk, Leiden: Brill (Studies in Ancient Medicine 40), 403 pp.
PJvdE’s contribution: planning of the volume and selection of the papers, supervision and editing of the translation, preparation of the indices, writing of the Preface (pp. vii–xix)
- (2012c) Dromen in de oudheid, edited by Philip van der Eijk and Maithe Hulskamp, Special issue of Lampas 45 (2012), 265–343
PJvdE’s contribution: planning, organisation and editing of the volume (together with M. Hulskamp), writing of the Introduction (pp. 265–266) and of the Bibliography (pp. 342–343)
- (2005c) Hippocrates in Context, Leiden: Brill (Studies in Ancient Medicine 31), 521 pp.
PJvdE’s contribution: planning and organisation of the conference, editing of the volume and writing of the Preface (pp. ix–xvi)
- (1999a) Ancient Histories of Medicine. Essays in Medical Doxography and Historiography in Classical Antiquity, Leiden: Brill (Studies in Ancient Medicine 20), viii + 537 pp.
PJvdE’s contribution: planning and co-ordination of the project (in which 9 authors were involved), editing of the volume, and writing of 3 chapters:
‘Historical awareness, historiography and doxography in Greek and Roman medicine’ (pp. 1–31)
‘The Anonymus Parisinus and the doctrines of the “ancients”’ (pp. 295–331)
‘Antiquarianism and criticism: Forms and functions of medical doxography in Methodism (Soranus and Caelius Aurelianus)’ (pp. 397–452)
- (1995a) Ancient Medicine in its Socio-Cultural Context, co-edited with H.F.J. Horstmanshoff and P.H. Schrijvers, Amsterdam – Atlanta: Rodopi, 1995, 2 Vols., xxiii + 637 pp. (Clio Medica/The Wellcome Institute Series in the History of Medicine, Vols. 28–29)
PJvdE’s contribution: Principal editor, writing of the Introduction and of the chapter:
‘Aristotle on “distinguished physicians” and on the medical significance of dreams’ (pp. 447–459)
- (1995b) De zetel van het verstand volgens de antieke geneeskunde en wijsbegeerte, Special issue of Gewina 18/3, with articles by P.J. van der Eijk, T.L. Tieleman, G.J. Lokhorst, edited and introduced by P.J. van der Eijk. Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing, 50 pp.
- (1994b) J.L. Ackrill, Aristoteles, Translated into Dutch by Frits van der Blij and Philip van der Eijk, edited by Philip van der Eijk, Groningen: Historische Uitgeverij, 220 pp.
- (1992a) Poeticaliteit in de klassieke Griekse literatuur, De Gids 155, 60–80, with contributions by I.J.F. de Jong, C.M.J. Sicking, P.J. van der Eijk and D.M. Schenkeveld, edited and introduced by P.J. van der Eijk
Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters
- (in press, a), ‘Natural and unnatural ways of dying in Greek medical and philosophical thought’, in: T. Fujii (ed.), Processing Death: Greek Texts, Images, and Imaginations, Heidelberg: Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien,
- (in press, b), 'Hippocratische geschriften en hun context>, in: H.F.J. Horstmanshoff (ed.), Hippocrates vandaag
- (in press, c), 'Unity, diversity and the writings attributed to Hippocrates', in: M. Witt (ed.), Proceedings of the XVIIIth Colloque International Hippocratique in Munich
- (2024a), 'Die Macht des Kompilators', in: Mira Becker-Sawatzky, Şirin Dadaş, Anne Eusterschulte, Kristiane Hasselmann, Andrew James Johnston, Falk Quenstedt, Claudia Reufer, Hanna Zoe Trauer, Christian Vogel, Katrin Wächter und Helge Wendt (Hg.), Logbuch Wissensgeschichte, Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 69–81
- (in press, e), 'Galen on medicine's contribution to philosophy and the irrelevance of "natural problems"' in: T.L. Tieleman (ed.), Human Nature: Medical and Philosophical Perspectives in the Work of Galen of Pergamum
- (2022a), ‘Aristotle’s biomedical project’, in: L. Perilli, A. Roselli, D. Manetti (eds.), Ippocrate e gli altri, Rome: Publications de l'Ecole française de Rome, 105–132
- (2021b), ‘Health, lifestyle and responsibility in Greek and Roman medical and philosophical thought’, Museum Sinicum 3, (Xifang Gudianxue Jikan, 西方古典学辑刊 ), Shanghai, 159–179
- (2021c), 'Galenus als therapeut', Lampas 54, 429–448
- (2020a), ‘Galen on soul, mixture and pneuma’, in: B. Inwood, J. Warren (eds.), Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 62–88
- (2020b), ‘Aetius of Amida’s abbreviations of his Galenic source texts’ (co-authored with C. F. Salazar), in: I. Boehm, D. Vallat (eds.), Epitome. Abréger les textes antiques, Lyon: Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, 17–26
- (2018b), ‘Medicine in early and classical Greece’, in: A. Jones, L. Taub (eds.), The Cambridge History of Science, Vol. 1: Ancient Science, Cambridge: CUP, 293–315
- (2017b) ‘Mental and physical gradualism in Graeco-Roman medicine’ (co-authored with C. Thumiger and O. Lewis), in: G. Keil, R. Hauswald, L. Keuck (eds.), Vagueness in Psychiatry, Oxford: OUP, 2017, 27–45
- (2017c) ‘The place of disease in a teleological world-view: Plato, Aristotle, Galen’, in: Julius Rocca (ed.), Teleology in the Ancient World, Cambridge: CUP, 217–241
- (2017d) ‘Werner Jaeger und die antike Medizin’ (co-authored with Roberto Lo Presti), in: R. Lo Presti, C.G. King (eds.), Werner Jaeger: Wissenschaft, Bildung, Politik, Berlin, 211–243
- (2017e) ‘Arrangement and exploratory discourse in the Parva Naturalia’, in: R. Polansky, W. Wians (eds.), Reading Aristotle, Leiden: Brill, 181–214
- (2017f) ‘Galen on the causes and signs of the features of human bodies’ in: D. Balalykin, N.P. Shok (eds.), Istoriya i filosofiya antichnoy meditsiny: sbornik nauchnykh trudov (History and philosophy of ancient medicine: a collection of scientific works), Moscow: Akvilon, 80–92 (in Russian)
- (2016a) ‘On ‘Hippocratic’ and ‘non-Hippocratic’ medical writings’, in: L. Dean-Jones, R. Rosen (eds.), Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic, Leiden: Brill, 17–47
- (2016b) ‘Mapping memory. Theories in ancient, medieval and early modern philosophy and medicine’ (co-authored with R. Juliao, R. Lo Presti and D. Perler), eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies 6, 678–702
- (2015a) ‘Galen on the assessment of bodily mixtures’, in: B. Holmes, K.-D. Fischer (eds.), The Frontiers of Ancient Science: Essays in Honor of Heinrich von Staden, Berlin: De Gruyter, 675–698
- (2015b) ‘Melancholia and hypochondria – steps in the history of a problematic combination’, in: H. Cazes, A.-F. Morand (eds.), Miroirs de mélancolie, Paris: Hermann, 13–28
- (2015c) ‘Canons, authorities and medical practice in the Greek medical encyclopaedias of late antiquity and in the Talmud’ (co-authored with M. Geller, L. Lehmhaus, M. Martelli, C. Salazar), in: A. Traninger, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum (eds.), Wissen in Bewegung: Institution – Iteration – Transfer, Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 195–222
- (2014a), ‘Galen on the nature of human beings’, in: P. Adamson, R. Hansberger, J. Wilberding (eds.), Philosophical Themes in Galen (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Supplement 114), London, 89–134
- (2014b) ‘An episode in the historiography of malaria in the ancient world’, in: D. Michaelides (ed.), Medicine in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Oxford: Oxbow, 112–117
- (2014c), ‘Aetiology of disease and archaeology of medicine in Greek and Latin medical texts’, in: C. Reitz, A. Walter (eds), Von Ursachen sprechen. Eine aitiologische Spurensuche. Telling Origins. On the Lookout for Aetiology, Hildesheim: Olms (Spudasmata, Bd. 162), 461–490
- (2014d) 'Galen and early Christians on the role of the divine in the causation and treatment of health and disease', Early Christianity 5, 337-370
- (2014e) ‘Hippocrate aristotélicien’, in: J. Jouanna, M. Zink (eds.), Hippocrate et les hippocratismes : médecine, religion, société, Paris: De Boccard, 347–368
- (2013a) 'Cure and (in)curability of mental disorders in ancient medical and philosophical thought', in: W.V. Harris (ed.), Mental Disorders in the Classical World, Leiden: Brill, 307-338
- (2013b) ‘Galen and the scientific treatise: a case study of Mixtures’, in: M. Asper (ed.), Writing Science. Medical and Mathematical Authorship in Ancient Greece, Berlin - New York: De Gruyter, 145–175
- (2013c) ‘Geneeskunde en gezondheid in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld. Een overzicht van recente ontwikkelingen in de bestudering van de antieke geneeskunde’, Lampas 45, 183–202
- (2013d) ‘Quelques observations sur la réception d’Aristote dans la médecine gréco-romaine de l’époque impériale’, in: Y. Lehmann (ed.), Aristoteles Romanus. La réception de la science aristotélicienne dans l'Empire gréco-romain. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 183–193
- (2012d) 'Exegesis, explanation and epistemology in Galen's commentaries on Epidemics, Books One and Two', in: P. E. Pormann (ed.), Epidemics in Context, Berlin - New York: De Gruyter, 25-47
- (2012e) ‘Le rôle de Chartier dans la constitution des canons des traités hippocratiques et galéniques’, in: V. Boudon-Millot, G. Cobolet, J. Jouanna (eds.), René Chartier (1572-1654), éditeur et traducteur d’Hippocrate et Galien, Paris: De Boccard, 81–96
- (2011a) ‘Medicine and health in the Graeco-Roman world’, in: M. A. Jackson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook for the History of Medicine, Oxford: OUP, 21-39
- (2011b) 'Modes and degrees of soul-body relationship in On Regimen', in: L. Perilli et al. (ed.), Officina Hippocratica, Berlin: De Gruyter, 255-270
- (2010a) ‘Stages in the reception of Aristotle’s works on sleep and dreams in Hellenistic and Imperial philosophy and medicine’, in: P. Morel (ed.), La réception des Parva Naturalia d’Aristote. Fortune antique et médiévale, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 47–75 (co-authored with M. Hulskamp)
- (2010b) ‘Galens Auseinandersetzung mit Aristoteles' Ansichten zum Gesichts- und Geruchssinn’, in: J. Althoff, S. Föllinger, G. Wöhrle (eds.), Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band 20, Trier, 81-107
- (2010c) ‘Principles and practices of compilation and abbreviation in the medical 'encyclopaedias' of late antiquity’, in: C. Reitz, M. Horster (eds.), Condensing Texts – Condensed Texts, Stuttgart: Steiner, 519-554
- (2010d) 'Le rôle de Chartier dans la constitution des canons des traités hippocratiques et galéniques', Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Séances de l'année 2010, III, Paris: De Boccard, 1163-1178
- (2009a) ‘Aristoteles, Aristotelismus und antike Medizin’, in: C. Brockmann, W. Brunschön, O. Overwien (eds.), Antike Medizin im Schnittpunkt von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften, Berlin (co-authored with S.R. Francis) 213–234
- (2009b) ‘Os conceitos de saúde mental na medicina e na filosofia gregas dos séculos V e IV a.C. (com um breve panorama da Antiguidade tardia)’, in: M. C. D. Peixoto (ed.), Saúde dos Antigos – Reflexões Gregas e Romanas, Sao Paolo, 11–32
- (2009c) ‘Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Medizinhistorie für das Leben. Form, Gehalt und Funktion der Medizingeschichtsschreibung in der Antike’, in: T. Rütten (ed.), Geschichte der Medizingeschichtsschreibung, Remscheid: Gardez!-Verlag, 57–87
- (2009d) ‘The woman not breathing’, in: W. W. Fortenbaugh, E. Pender (ed.), Heraclides of Pontus, Discussion, New Brunswick, 237–250
- (2009e) ‘Aristotle! What a thing for you to say! Galen’s engagement with Aristotle and Aristotelians’, in: C.J. Gill, J. Wilkins, T. Whitmarsh (eds.), Galen and the World of Knowledge, Cambridge: CUP, 261–281
- (2009f) ‘Développements récents dans l'étude de la doxographie de la philosophie et des sciences dans l'antiquité’, in: F. Le Blay (ed.), Transmettre les savoirs dans les mondes hellénistique et romaine, Rennes: Presse Universitaire de Rennes, 107-116
- (2008c) ‘Rufus On Melancholy and its philosophical backgound’, in: P. Pormann (ed.), Rufus on Melancholy, Tübingen: Mohr – Siebeck, 159–178
- (2008d) ‘Therapeutics’, in: R.J. Hankinson (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Galen, Cambridge: CUP, 283–303
- (2008e) ‘The role of medicine in the formation of early Greek philosophical thought’, in: P. Curd, D. Graham (eds.), Oxford Guide to Pre-Socratic Philosophy, Oxford: OUP, 385–412
- (2008f) ‘Galen, On Affected Places III.9–10: Greek Text and English and Arabic Translations’, in: P. Pormann (ed.), Rufus on Melancholy, Tübingen: Mohr – Siebeck, 265–287 (co-authored 50% with P. Pormann)
- (2007b) ‘Les mouvements de la matière dans la génération des animaux selon Aristote’ in: V. Boudon-Millot, A. Guardasole, C. Magdelaine (eds.), La science médicale antique: nouveaux regards, Paris: Beauchesne, 405–424
- (2005d) ‘Between the Hippocratics and the Alexandrians: Medicine, science and philosophy in the fourth century BCE’, in: R.W. Sharples (ed.), Philosophy and the Sciences in Antiquity, Aldershot: Ashgate, 72–109
- (2004a) ‘Divination, prognosis, prophylaxis: the Hippocratic work “On Dreams” (De victu 4) and its Near Eastern background’, in: H.F.J. Horstmanshoff, M. Stol (eds.), Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine, Leiden, 187–218
- (2004b) ‘Introduction’, in: H.F.J. Horstmanshoff, M. Stol (eds.), Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine, Leiden, 1–10
- (2003b) ‘Aristotle on cognition in sleep’, in: T. Wiedemann and K. Dowden (eds.), Sleep. (Nottingham Classical Literature Series / Midlands Classical Series 8), 25–40
- (2001c) ‘La storiografia delle scienze e la tradizione dossografica’, in: Scienza Antica (Enciclopedia Italiana, Storia della Scienza, vol. 1), Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 591–601
- (2000b) ‘Aristotle’s psycho-physiological account of the soul-body relationship’, in: J.P. Wright, P. Potter (eds.), Psyche and Soma. Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem, Oxford: OUP, 57–77
- (1999b) ‘Some methodological issues in collecting the fragments of Diocles of Carystus’, in: A. Garzya (ed.), I Testi medici greci. Tradizione e ecdotica, Napels: M. d’Auria Editore, 125–156
- (1999c) ‘The Methodism of Caelius Aurelianus: some epistemological issues’, in: P. Mudry (ed.), Le traité des Maladies Aiguës et des Maladies Chroniques de Caelius Aurelianus: Nouvelles Approches, Nantes, 47–83
- (1999d) ‘Hippokratische Beiträge zur antiken Biologie’, in: G. Wöhrle (ed.), Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften in der Antike, Band 1: Biologie, Stuttgart (Steiner Verlag), 50–73
- (1999e) ‘The systematic status of therapy in the Hippocratic Corpus and in the works of Diocles of Carystus’, in: I. Garofalo, D. Lami, D. Manetti, A. Roselli (eds.), Aspetti della terapia nel Corpus Hippocraticum, Florence: Olschki, 389–404
- (1999f) ‘On Sterility (‘HA X’), a medical work by Aristotle?’, The Classical Quarterly 49, 490–502
- (1998a) ‘Quelques remarques sur la méthode doxographique de Caelius Aurélien’, in: C. Deroux (ed.), Maladie et maladies dans les textes latins antiques et médiévaux, Brussel: Collection Latomus, 342–353
- (1997a) ‘Towards a rhetoric of ancient scientific discourse: Some formal characteristics of Greek medical and philosophical texts (Hippocratic Corpus, Aristotle)’, in: E.J. Bakker (ed.), Grammar as Interpretation. Greek Literature in its Linguistic Contexts (Mnemosyne Supplement No. 171), Leiden: Brill, 77–129
- (1997b) ‘The matter of mind: Aristotle on the biology of “psychic” processes and the bodily aspects of thinking’, in: W. Kullmann, S. Föllinger (eds.), Aristotelische Biologie. Intentionen, Methoden, Ergebnisse (Philosophie der Antike, Band 6), Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 221–258
- (1997c) ‘Galen’s use of the concept of “qualified experience” in his dietetic and pharmacological works’, in: A. Debru (ed.), Galen on Pharmacology. Philosophy, History and Medicine (Studies in Ancient Medicine, vol. 15), Leiden: Brill, 35–57
- (1996a) ‘Diocles and the Hippocratic writings on the method of dietetics and the limits of causal explanation’, in: R. Wittern, P. Pellegrin (eds.), Hippokratische Medizin und antike Philosophie (Medizin der Antike, Band 1) Hildesheim: Olms, 229–258
- (1995c) ‘Hart en hersenen, bloed en pneuma: Hippocrates, Aristoteles en Diocles over de localisering van cognitieve processen’, Gewina 18, 214–229
- (1994c) ‘Theorie und Empirie in Aristoteles’ Beschäftigung mit dem Traum und mit der Weissagung im Schlaf’, in: K. Döring, G. Wöhrle (eds.), Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band 4, Bamberg, 31–46
- (1994d) ‘Pijn en doodsstrijd in de Griekse tragedie: Sophocles’ Philoctetes’, in: H.F.J. Horstmanshoff (ed.), Pijn en balsem, troost en smart. Pijnbeleving en pijnbestrijding in de Oudheid, Rotterdam, 71–84
- (1990a) ‘Aristoteles über die Melancholie’, Mnemosyne 43, 33–72
- (1990b) ‘The “theology” of the Hippocratic treatise On the Sacred Disease’, Apeiron 23, 87–119
- (1989) ‘Divine movement and human nature in Eudemian Ethics 8, 2’, Hermes 117, 24–42
- (1988a) ‘Origenes’ Verteidigung des freien Willens in De oratione 6, 1–2’, Vigiliae Christianae 42, 339–351
Shorter pieces, notes, entries to dictionaries and anthologies, contributions to teaching and public engagement
- (2023a), 'Aktuelle Trends in der Galenforschung an der BBAW', Jahresmagazin 2024 der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 74–77
- (2021d), ‘Ancient medicine and European medical historiography’, European Journal of the History of Medicine and Health 78, 38–43
- (2020c), 'La médecine antique: nouvelles publications', Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Séances de l'année 2020, I, Paris: De Boccard, 63–69
- (2018c) ‘Bibliotheek: Het tekstuele karakter van medische kennis’, in: H. Hillen, F. Huisman, E. Houwaart (eds.), Leerboek medische geschiedenis, Houten, 71–82
- (2017g), ‘Die Kartierung von Leib und Seele. Zur Genese einer Ausstellung’ (mit T. Schnalke und U. Kornmeier), in: U. Kornmeier (ed.), Die Seele ist ein Oktopus. Antike Vorstellungen vom belebten Körper, Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité / Edition Topoi, 8–15 [German version of 2016c]
- (2017h), ‘Körper, Seele und Leben in der antiken Medizin’, in: U. Kornmeier (ed.), Die Seele ist ein Oktopus. Antike Vorstellungen vom belebten Körper, Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité / Edition Topoi, 16–24 [German version of 2016d]
- (2017i), ‘Über Text- und Sachquellen zur antiken Medizin’ (mit U. Kornmeier), in: U. Kornmeier (ed.), Die Seele ist ein Oktopus. Antike Vorstellungen vom belebten Körper, Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité / Edition Topoi, 107–117 [German version of 2016e]
- (2016c), ‘Mapping body and soul. The making of an exhibition’ (with T. Schnalke and U. Kornmeier), in: U. Kornmeier (ed.), The Soul is an Octopus. Ancient Ideas of Life and the Body, Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité / Edition Topoi, 9–15
- (2016d), ‘Body, soul and life in ancient medicine’, in: U. Kornmeier (ed.), The Soul is an Octopus. Ancient Ideas of Life and the Body, Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité / Edition Topoi, 16–23
- (2016e), ‘On textual and material sources of ancient medicine’ (with U. Kornmeier), in: U. Kornmeier (ed.), The Soul is an Octopus. Ancient Ideas of Life and the Body, Berlin: Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité / Edition Topoi, 99–109
- (2013e), 'Diätetik, Lebensstil und Gleichgewicht. Grundsätze der gesunden seelischen und körperlichen Lebensführung in der antiken griechisch-römischen Medizin', in: H. Elgeti, M. Ziegenbein (Hrsg.), Psychiatrie in Niedersachsen. Band 6, Jahrbuch 2013, Köln, 130-138
- (2013f), 'Gesundheit von Leib und Seele in der Antike und im Christentum', Auenzeitung 18, Februar/März 2013, 12-13
- (2013g) ‘Series editor’s preface’, in: P.N. Singer (ed.), Galen: Psychological Writings, Cambridge: CUP, viii–xi
- (2011c) 'Galen und Pergamon: Medizin und Gesellschaft', in: R. Grüssinger et al. (ed.), Pergamon. Panorama der antiken Metropole, Berlin: Imhof Verlag, 235-238
- (2011d) 'Gesundheit: Eigenverantwortung oder Schicksal?', Deutsches Ärzteblatt 108, H. 44, 2330-2332
- (2011e) 'Fortpflanzung', in: C. Rapp, K. Corcilius (eds.), Aristoteleshandbuch, Metzger: Stuttgart, 220-224.
- (2010e) ‘Doxography’, in: A. Grafton, G. Most, S. Settis (eds.), The Classical Tradition, 282-284
- (2008n) ‘Diocles of Carystus’, in: Norette Koertge (ed.), New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Detroit, 301–304
- (2008o) ‘Nemesius of Emesa and early brain-mapping’, The Lancet 372, 440–441
- (2007c) ‘De priesters van de Muzen en de zwarte gal. De Aristotelische achtergrond van het melancholiebegrip in de vroeg-moderne tijd’, in: Groniek 176, 263–275
- (2006b) ‘Quelques observations préliminaires sur les principes, les méthodes et la pratique de la thérapie médicale – Hippocrate, Dioclès, Galien’, in: P. Boulhol, F. Gaide, M. Loubet (eds.), Guérisons du corps et de l’âme: approches pluridisciplinaires, Aix-en-Provence, 43–47
- (2003c) Dutch translation of [Hippocrates], De victu IV 86-88, in: Zoals de ouden droomden. Lustrumuitgave van het Collegium Classicum c.n. M.F., Leiden, 30–33
- (2003d) Dutch translation of Aristotle, On Dreams, ch. 3, in: In Morpheus’ armen. Dromen met Homerus, Plato en Ovidius, Amsterdam, 22–28
- (1999g) ‘Helpen, of niet schaden. Enkele uitgangspunten van therapeutisch handelen in de klassieke Griekse geneeskunde’, Hermeneus 71, 66–71 [reprinted with slight revisions in: H.F.J. Horstmanshoff, J.J.E. van Everdingen (eds.), De Eed van Hippocrates, Alphen aan den Rijn 2004, 57–63]
- (1998b) ‘Geschiedenis van de medische geschiedschrijving’, Gewina 21, 252–253
- (1997d) ‘Geneeskunde op methodische grondslag: de “Acute en chronische ziekten” van Caelius Aurelianus’, Gewina 20, 56–57
- (1997e) Dutch translation of Hippocrates, Epidemiae 1.11, in: Oude keizers, nieuwe kleren. Griekse en Latijnse vertalersvondsten, Amsterdam: Athenaeum Polak & van Gennep, p. 20
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Authored Books
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Authored articles
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