Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

News - past years

PhD projects completed, Habilitations, Honours and Awards - Archive

→We are very sad to announce that Christine Salazar passed away on 20 October 2021 after a period of illness -link


Habilitation projects completed


Oliver Overwien: Der Medizinunterricht der alexandrinischen Iatrosophisten in Spätantike und orientalischem Mittelalter


Roberto Lo Presti: „Wo der Philosoph aufhört, fängt der Arzt an“: Aufsätze über die Medizin und Philosophie und über ihr Verhältnis in der Antike und der Frühneuzeit


Chiara Thumiger: A History of the Mind and Mental Health in Classical Greek Medical Thought

PhD projects completed


Ricarda Gäbel: Aetius of Amida on Diseases of the Brain and Mental Illness. An Analysis of Chapters 3-10 of the Sixth Book of his Libri Medicinales with Introduction, Translation and Commentary

Wolfgang Häfele: Krankheit und deren Behandlung in Sophronios von Jerusalems Wundern der Heiligen Kyros und Johannes


Georgia-Maria Korobili: Centering on Life. Aristotle’s On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, on Respiration, chapters 1-6. Translation, Commentary and Interpretive Essays

Claudia Mirrione: Theory and Terminology of Mixture in Galen. Krasis and Mixis in Galen’s thought


Francesca Corazza: Medical papyri from Antinoopolis: a case study in late antique medicine

Julien Devinant: Les troubles de l’âme selon Galien (Julien Devinant), co-tutelle with Université de Paris IV Sorbonne


Wei Cheng: Pleasure and Pain in Context: Aristotle’s Dialogues with his Contemporaries


Giulia Ecca: Praecepta: Vorschriften zur medizinischen Deontologie. Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar

Florian Gärtner: Galen, De locis affectis I-II: kritische Ausgabe, Übersetzung, Kommentar

Orly Lewis: Praxagoras of Cos on Pulse, Pneuma and the Arteries and his Role in the Development of Ancient Medicine

Honours and Awards


Sean Coughlin

Junior Star Fellowship from the Czech Academy of Sciences for the project “Alchemies of Scent. Reconstructing the Practices of Ancient Greco-Egyptian Perfumery: An Experimental Approach to the History of Science” (2020)

Caroline Petit

Friedrich-Wilhelm Bessel Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation:

Julius Rocca

DFG Eigene Stelle at HU Berlin for his project „The Dialectics of Dissection: Galen’s Isagogic Anatomical Texts”

Giouli Korobili

Marie Curie Individual Fellowship at Utrecht University for her project “Geoanatomy: The Body as a Model in Greco-Roman Conceptions of the Earth and the Environment”.


Roberto Lo Presti

Walter de Gruyter-Preis der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Dorothea Keller

Eduard Norden Prize for the best BA Thesis

Giulia Ecca

Rita Levi Montalcini Award at La Sapienza, Rome


Orly Lewis

Young Historians Prize of the International Academy for the History of Science

Shlomo Pines Prize for Young Historians


Wei Cheng

Werner-Jaeger-Preis der Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie


Matteo Martelli

Young Historians Prize of the International Academy for the History of Science