Prof. Dr. Markus Asper
Professor of Greek
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Klassische Philologie
room 3067a
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
phone: (+49-30) 2093-70430, secretary (-70416)
fax: (+49-30) 2093-70436
Please click here for a short CV and a list of publications
Curriculum Vitae
Born in 1968, Asper studied Classics at the Universities of Vienna and Freiburg/Br., Germany and got his Ph.D. in 1994 (Freiburg), 1995-2001 he was Assistant Professor of Classics, Dept of Comparative Literature, University of Konstanz, Germany. 2003 Dr. habil. in Classics. 2004-2007 he was Assistant Professor, Dept of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Pennsylvania State University, 2007-2010 he was first Assistant, than Associate Professor, Dept of Classics, New York University. Since spring 2010 he is Professor, Dept of Classics, Humboldt University of Berlin
Special Interests
- Ancient Greek science writing
- Hellenistic poetry
- Co-editor of the journals ‚Apeiron‘ and ‚Philologus‘
- HU spokesman of Area B in the excellence cluster TOPOI
- Head of Project in SFB 644 und TOPOI (Areas B, C)
Selected Publications
Authored books
- Griechische Wissenschaftstexte. Formen, Funktionen, Differenzierungsgeschichten. Philosophie der Antike 25, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2007.
- Kallimachos von Kyrene: Werke griechisch-deutsch, übersetzt und herausgegeben von Markus Asper, Darmstadt: WBG 2004.
- Onomata allotria. Zur Genese, Struktur und Funktion poetologischer Metaphorik bei Kallimachos. Hermes Einzelschriften 75, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 1997.
Recent Articles
- Forthcoming. “Peripatetic Forms of Writing. A Systems-Theory Approach”. In: D. Mirhady & O. Hellmann, eds. Phaenias of Eresus. Text, Translation, and Discussion. New Brunswick.
- Forthcoming. “Machines on Paper. From Words to Acts in Ancient Mechanics”. In: Van der Eijk, Ph., & M. Formisano, eds. From Words to Acts? Cambridge.
- Forthcoming. “Explicit Knowledge”. In: Hose, M., & D. Schenker (eds.), A Companion to Greek Literature. London.
- Forthcoming 2014. “Medical Acculturation? Early Greek Texts and the Question of Near Eastern Influence”. In: K. D. Fischer & B. Holmes, eds. The Frontiers of Ancient Science: Essays in Honor of Heinrich von Staden. Berlin.
- Forthcoming 2013. “Griechische Wissenschaft zwischen Ost und West, oder: Vom Segen der Provinzialität“. In: Trampedach, K. et al., eds. Aneignung und Abgrenzung. Wechselnde Perspektiven auf die Antithese von ‘Ost’ und ‘West’ in der griechischen Antike. Berlin, 175-199.
- “Minding the Gap: Aetiology and (False) Closure”, in: F. Grewing & B. Acosta-Hughes (Hgg.), False Closure in Greek and Roman Literature and Art, Heidelberg: Winter 2013, 63-82.
- “Narratives in (Late-Antique) Commentary”. In: Erler, M. & J.E. Heßler, ed. Argument und literarische Form in antiker Philosophie. Berlin 2013, 435-456.
- “Introduction”. In: Asper (ed.), Writing Science. Mathematical and Medical Authorship in Ancient Greece. Science, Technology and Medicine in Ancient Cultures 1, Berlin 2013, 1-13.
- “Making Up Progress—in Ancient Greek Science Writing”. In: Asper (ed.), Writing Science. Mathematical and Medical Authorship in Ancient Greece. Science, Technology and Medicine in Ancient Cultures 1, Berlin 2013, 411-430.
- “Explanation between Nature and Text: Ancient Commentaries on Science“. In: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 44 (2013), 43-50.